Monday, 20 February 2017

asTTle: Writing to Persuade

asTTle: Writing to Persuade. Topic: your opinion on fighting

“Bleep bloop blorp, GAME OVER The Axe Murderer won the #12 round do you want to play another round of Super Smash Bros?” the Tv screams at me I put my controller down the walk away. Today I am telling you, yes, I mean you… wait, don’t you believe me? Well… you're reading so I am guessing you're Intrigued, I am going to tell you what I think of fighting why It can be wrong and when it’s sometimes okay like defending yourself.

If you're trying to get a candy bar or something and then the shopkeeper accuses you of stealing and you have a go at him or her, that’s not necessary. I think you should just talk to him to ask why he thought you were stealing, you could just be going to the front of the shop to look at something else and you were going to come back to pay. It’s best not to start a fight in these situations. You can just talk.

Here is a scene where you can use self-defence like you find a robber getting away with, let's say some money, then you can tackle him and keep him from running away until the police come. Or maybe you're trying to protect someone you love, like you sibling, from a bear or someone who is a MANIAC TRYING TO KILL YOU!!! Sometimes your gut feeling could just save YOU. Wait you don’t believe me... well, don’t make me come out of the screen and come scream at you, cause I can TOTALLY do that… not. Back to the point self-defence is able to save you and anyone in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD, I wish I could write bigger, (sad face).

But also fighting can be bad, and I am not talking about play fighting, I mean real fighting. If you kill someone fighting them you’re going to be sent to jail, unless you have a good lawyer. The consequences can be really harsh sometimes. But I mean play fightings ok, just make some rules up and you should be fine, as long as the person you are play fighting with is as weak or as strong as you are.

So if you agree with me fighting can be bad and well, good. Hope you learned something or you might have already known all this stuff. Have a good day and don’t die (cheeky smile). “Bleep bloop blorp, GAME OVER the head slayer won the #34 round.” roars the tv “ARGGHHH I can never win” I scream again.

By Bridget

1 comment:

  1. well done bridget awesome peice of writing


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