Thursday, 22 September 2016


OMG! It happened again!! the B T B auction of fortune!! If you follow my blog you will have seen the BTB auction before so to save me explaining it you can find it down on my blog or well here is a Link to it! Again I got a moro bar the last item there... I got it for all my BTB points which was 27, so here is a picture of the bar, a little smaller than before...

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Hi, I am Bridget and am wanting to make a few online friends. your blog is like how you say things about yourself and commenting helps attract people to your blog. so leave a good comment and I might come to your blog!

1. Introduce yourself, tell me something interesting about you
2. Give me some feedback and be specific!
3. Tell me a joke and make a connection, it's your comment so own it.
4. Give your blog address so I can come!
